Brandscaping in Action

Brandscaping in Action

One of the things I love most about reading business books is that I don’t always have to invent brand-new ideas for my business; instead, I can find great ideas in the pages of these books. Starting in April, I’ll be leading a book study of Brandscaping by Andrew M. Davis for the Small Biz Book Club, so today I wanted to share an example of how this book gave me a great idea.

Of course, you already know that I got the idea for the entire book club from Brandscaping, but that wasn’t the only gem I found when I read it. I was actually able to get an idea to help one of my consulting clients, too! Here’s how:

Advertising: Worth it or not?

My client and I were discussing an opportunity she had to advertise in a local community magazine (this client runs a brick and mortar craft supply shop). The advertising cost was somewhat steep, but she felt it might help her generate some local business for her shop. After all, that is often our go-to place to drum up business, right? Advertising. However, that doesn’t mean it’s always the best option.

Since I had read Brandscaping, I knew that advertising only gets you so far: a little bit of exposure in a single publication. Let’s be honest – how often do you actually read the ads in a magazine, instead of just skimming over them to get to the content?

Don’t advertise – Brandscape

With that in mind, I suggested to my client that instead of paying for an ad, she pitch herself to the magazine editor as a prospective contributor.

I told my client that she could write regular articles for this publication, centered around a topic that would be of interest to the local readers and help to promote her shop. (In this case, the topic was home decor tips using handmade projects, for which the readers could come to her shop to purchase supplies.) This is a win-win scenario, because the magazine editor gets regular, fresh content for her publication and the shop owner gets free advertising (heck, the magazine might even pay her to write the pieces!).

Share the Love

I told my client that if she was worried about generating enough content for regular publication, she could extend the “brandscape” even further by inviting a few other shop owners to contribute to the column as well. They could team up and divide the work so no one would have to find the time and inspiration to write one article every time the magazine was published. As long as she chose shop owners who could also write about the general topic without directly competing with her for business, this would be a great way to take some of the pressure off of her and add a few more networking relationships with other small business owners.

If I hadn’t read Brandscaping, I never would have had this idea. What will be the next great idea YOU have for your business? Will you find it in a book?

If you’d like to read Brandscaping and get a FREE weekly study guide to help you stay on track and apply the material to your small business, sign up below to be notified when the study guide goes live. It’s entirely free, and I hope to see you in the club!

Abundance in All Things

When we feel that something is scarce (time, money, or other resources especially), we start to behave differently toward that thing. Maybe we hoard it, or we end up wasting it because we’re so worried about how little there is, or we never take the time to enjoy what we have or live in the moment. All of this negativity brings us down. So what if, instead, we took an attitude of abundance? What if we expected the best from life instead of expecting the worst? How would our lives improve?

Tweet the image below to share how you plan to adopt an attitude of abundance in your life.

What’s more important than money?

A lot of people work for one primary reason: to make money. But for some of us – especially those of us who go into business for ourselves – it’s about much more than that. We still want to make money, of course, but we also care very much about how we spend our time here on this earth. We want to feel we’re spending it doing something meaningful or important.

How do you want to spend your time? Tweet the image below and share!

Past, Present, & Future

If you own your own business, it’s important to keep your eyes on the whole timeline – learn lessons from the past, make plans and goals for the future, and work hard in the present.

How are you keeping track of time in YOUR business? Tweet the image below and share a lesson from the past or a goal for the future.

Everyone is Both Teacher and Student

If we are open to the possibility, there is always something to learn from all the people we meet in our daily lives. The trick is to be observant and watch for the opportunity – some of the best lessons come from unexpected sources. Click to Tweet the image below and share something you have learned in the past from someone you had just met.

A Winning Combination

Lots of successful people have good minds, but many might argue they don’t necessarily have good hearts. Even so, I bet you have a few names that come to mind of people who possess this winning combination. I know I can think of a few! Click to Tweet the image below and tag one or more of your favorite examples of a good head and a good heart.